Before that... mesti ada yang tertanya.. WHY BANGKOK??
and many people associate Bangkok with those notty notty stuff.. ha ha ha ha...
yes, bagi orang orang mcm kita, memang wajib sekali seumur hidup visit Bangkok khas utk nak tengok that notty notty stuff, sebab ianya lain drpd yg lain... samada u ol nak engage with that activity or not... it is up to you...
but come onnnnnnnnnn... Bangkok is not all about that...
Bagi Kak Sofee.. Kak Sofee enjoy sakan ber shopping di sana, the food also.. oh deliciousss!!! And the people there.. adooooh.. memang meleleh tengok diorang...
and Bangkok has this kind of atmosphere.... buat kita rasa relax and free...
ok.. as for my first guide...
sebelum u ol book tiket Airasia / MAS or whatever untuk ke Bangkok...
one important thing you need to know.. adalah..
yes, when is the best time to visit Bangkok...
choosing the right date is important because it will influence your experience there!!
- Time nih tak banyak sangat mat salleh (they call them FARANG there), so takder lah nak berserabut dengan diorang..
- Cuaca elok, tak panas sangat.. and TAK HUJAN. Yes.. December in Bangkok tuuu musim dah tamat hujan, tak mcm kat Malaysia.
- banyak asian tourist.
- The go go scene is quite ok!
- This is the peak season.. especially time cuti Chinese New Year.
- Meriah sebab ramai tourists Asian.
- However, kebanyakkan kedai kedai time nih naik kan harga.. even cover charge nak masuk Go Go Bar pun naik... bukan setakat tuu.. kat chaktuchak tuuh pun ada restoran Islam yg sengaja naikkan harga yg amat melampauuu.. oh ya.. mak cik mak cik yg jual kat tepi jalan pun ada yang ketwat.. letak harga mahal, then bila kita tawar harga yang rendah... boleh dia halau kita (ketwatt laa sebab dia rasa ramai sangat tourist, so kalau kita tak beli pun dia tak rugi ponnn) This happened to my friend... huhuhuhu. But tak semua mcm tuuh.. so far Kak Sofee takder lagi experience mcm tuuh.. in fact Kak Sofe tak pernah pun experience menda yg tak elok atau traumatik yg membuat kan Kak Sofee BAN bangkok.. huhuhu!!
- massage and go go scene amat meriah.. ramai boys working!
- PEAK season dah habis time ni... so prices pon dah kembali asal.
- PANASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! it is sizzzzzlinng hot at this time!!
- Go go and massage scene, quiet sikit sebab ramai yang dah balik kampung.
-SONGKRAN!!! yup.. acara simbah simbah air... !!
-Bagi 1st timers.. Kak Sofee tak nasihat kan utk datang ke Bangkok.. why??
1. Cuaca teramat sangat panassssss!!!
2. Banyak kedai tutup.
3. Go go and massage scene sangat tak menarik sebab tak ramai yg bekerja!
4. Terlalu ramai orang yg menyambut Songkran.. congested and jam sangat sangat!!!
5. Tak semua yg suka tiba tiba di simbah air and basah sepanjang masa kita nak berjalan jalan.
But on the plus side... cuci mata laaa tengok jantan2 shirtless kat sana... huhuhuhu!!
![]() |
SONGRAN, it can either be a wonderful experience.. or a miserable one... |
If you have visited Bangkok before, then you might want to try to experience Songkran.. but if you are a first timer, skip it!!!
- Time nih dah tak panas. Cuaca just nice, however, ada lah juga hujan lite lite.
- Go Go and Massage scene, quite ok.
- Time nih cuaca dah ok.. just nice.
- Masih hujan lite lite.
- Time ni adalah time hujan lebat kat sana, so bila hujan.. memang spoil segala aktiviti kita. Even kita sendiri akan takder mood.
Heavy downpour in September! |
So, bilakah time yang sesuai untuk ke Bangkok?
Bagi Kak Sofee :
PERGI : DECEMBER and JUNE. Kalau nak meriah, pergi lah FEBRUARY.
JANGAN PERGI : SEPTEMBER HINGGA NOVEMBER, also April if you are first timer.
Ok? Hope that helps..
next : BUDGET! BAHT and Ringgit Malaysia.. how much should i bring?
omg... kesian kat i
ReplyDeleteAngah,ermmm dah nasib kan... but pray that tahun nih tak hujan lebat time tuu..
Deletethanks sharing.. ada teringin nk pegi Bangkok.. nengok anak anak ikan Thai yak comel #sengih
ReplyDeletesama sama
Deletetahnks for sharing kak sofi. tapi ade dua benda jer yg selalu terpikir. pasal keselamatan kita kt sana dan pasal makanan halal.. leh kak sofie tolong share skiit?
ReplyDeleteok dear... nanti kak sofee buta entry cover 2 isu tu ok...
Deleteikut musim plak gogo boys ni ye..
ReplyDeletei thought all year round..
musim bla farang ramai kak?
nak cari sugardaddy la..
*mati larrr nak compete ngn local*
Farang paling ramai Feb until August. Kalau Dec tak ramai. Yes, go go boys ikut musim, bila off season, diorang balik kampung.. tinggal yg hampeh2 jerrr yg dok atas stage.... sedihhhhhhhhhh!!
ReplyDeletethanks akak 4 sharing.. rasa nak pg je kan